Building Stamina

Building stamina is challenging.  Over the past several years much of Lucy Calkin’s writing lessons have spilled into different lessons for my life.  Building stamina is one of those gems.  While I continue to build stamina with my writing, I’m presently trying to wait for my body to build stamina for exercise.  It is difficult to be patient.  Giving myself grace and time seems to be the magic ingredient to stay motivated.  When I was trying to practice bringing daily writing into my life as a new habit, the best thing I did was give it a time in my schedule.  I’m so lucky my children are now old enough and self sufficient enough to get back some of the daily time dominated by parenting.  The time can get so easily swallowed by Facebook, TV (Netflix), snacking.  I don’t think there is anything wrong with giving into these little luxuries at times.  I had my own Outlander and Scandal addictions.  As a parent, however, no longer just the model of language and behavior, I feel like I am modeling choices.  I do think there is a balance between the right amount of grit kids need to develop in order to solve problems on their own and the support we provide as parents.  My oldest, now in college, has adjusted to living far from us with such grace and strength. Her stamina and struggle to overcome obstacles big and small inspires me.  What a gift to receive from your own children, the modeling of stamina.

5 thoughts on “Building Stamina”

  1. Her stamina is no doubtedly a result of good modeling, momma! As for exercise, just Nike up and DO IT! After it becomes a habit, the stamina grows organically. Good luck!


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